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SJAC Officers

President: Randy Rigley

Vice President: Amy Fisher

Treasurer: Peter Brandt

Secretary: Tony Tamburello

Member Race Results


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South Jersey Athletic Club SJAC

SJAC Constitution and By-Laws


This organization shall be known as "South Jersey Athletic Club"




The purpose of this corporation is to encourage good fellowship and a sprit of cooperation among its members. To promote and maintain high standards of self-development. Dues, entry fees, and other monies received by the organization will be spent entirely for carrying out the stated purpose of the organization.




The membership shall consist of two classes, regular and honorary:

  1. The regular membership shall consist of anyone who agrees to uphold the purpose of the organization.
  2. The honorary membership may be conferred by the Board of Governors upon persons who have distinguished themselves in areas of interest to the membership of the club.



Voting privileges shall be vested solely in the regular membership.




The right to hold office shall be limited to regular membership.


The administration of the club shall be vested in a President, Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall consist of the above officers, and three additional members. The officers and elective governors shall be elected by a majority vote of the members by ballot after the annual meeting and shall take office January 1 next.


The four officers shall hold office for one year or until their successors shall have been elected. The President cannot serve as President for consecutive terms unless there is no other name placed in nomination for this office. The additional elective aforementioned Governors shall be elected to serve one year.




The president shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the club. The President shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for and shall be a member of such committees.


A Vice-President designated by the President or the Board of Governors shall fulfill the duties of the President in his/her absence.


The Treasurer shall receive all moneys, keep account of the same, and on approval of the Board of Governors make all proper disbursements.


The Secretary shall maintain the records of the Club and conduct its correspondence, giving notice of all meetings of the Club and of the Board of Governors and notifying all candidates of their acceptance to the membership.




The Board of Governors shall meet for the transaction of business at least three tines in each year and at such times and places as may be determined by the President.


In the event of the death, resignation, or inability to act of any officer of the Club, the Board shall elect a successor who shall hold office until the next annual meeting.


Should a vacancy on the Board occur, the Board shall elect a Governor to serve until the next annual meeting.


The Board of Governors shall have the power to adopt all necessary rules for the conduct of all business of the Club not provided for in this Constitution and By-Laws.




  • Membership Committee
  • Publicity Committee
  • Race Committee


The above mentioned committees shall be appointed by the President on an as needed basis, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors.


The Membership Committee shall consist of not less than three members. This committee shall in addition to its regular duties, serve as a reception committee for the new members at club functions.


The Publicity Committee shall consist of not less than two members. It shall have charge of all matters pertaining to press notices and to such other publicity as the Board of Governors may consider desirable.


The Race Committee shall consist of Officers, Governors and at least three others. A race director appointed by the President and confirmed by the Board of Governors shall chair the committee. The committee shall be charged with organizing and managing club races.


The President may appoint such special committees as he/she may deem necessary.


Except as herein provided, the powers and duties of all committees shall be controlled by the President and Board of Governors. A chairperson or committee member can be removed by the President after notifying the Board of Governors. The Board of Governors shall name a replacement to fill the vacancy.




The annual meeting shall be held during the month of November, as determined by the Board of Governors. Notices of such meeting shall be mailed at least three weeks in advance.


Special meetings shall be held at the call of the President, a majority of the Board of Governors, or upon the written request to the Secretary of twenty-five regular members who shall set forth the purpose of such meeting. At such special meetings no business other than that specified in the call shall be considered. At least two week's written notice of such special meeting shall be given by mailing a notice thereof to each member.


Ten regular members present at any regular or special meeting shall constitute a quorum.


Order of Business

The order of business shall be substantially as follows:

  • Reading the minutes of the last meeting
  • Secretary's report
  • Treasurer's report
  • President's report
  • Reports of committees
  • Unfinished business
  • Nominations of Officers and Governors (Annual meeting only)
  • New business




The Club shall usually hold such meetings on the second Wednesday of each month.




The annual dues shall be determined by the Board of Governors.


Neither the Board of Governors nor any committee shall have any authority to incur or contract on behalf of the Club any liability whatever in excess of the amount of moneys in the treasury.


Non-payment of dues for sixty days will automatically suspend a member. A member so suspended may be reinstated at the discretion of the Board of Governors upon his/her application and the payment of all arrearages.


A member desiring to withdraw from the club shall signify his/her intention to do so in writing before the first day of October in any year, otherwise he/she shall be liable for his/her dues for the next ensuing current year.


Any member planning to be absent from the area for an entire Club year may, upon written application to the Secretary, request exemption from the payment of his/her dues during such period as he/she may remain absent, provided always that the said member shall be in good standing at the time his/her application is made.




The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Club by a vote of not less than two-thirds of the regular members present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been approved by the Board of Governors, or served on the Secretary by at least twenty-five members not less than thirty days before the meeting, and that a copy of the amendment has been sent to the members by the Secretary at least tem days previous to the meeting. An amendment to the amendment may be put without notice.




The annual election of Officers and Governors shall be under the direction of the currently elected Officers of the Club or their designees. Voting shall be by secret ballot. A ballot shall be mailed to each member in good standing after nominations have been made at the annual meeting. Members will vote and return their ballot to the place and at the time so designated on the ballot by person or mail. Ballots will be counted and results of the election will be announced at the time and place as indicated on the ballot.




In the event of dissolution of this association, the funds in the treasury, after all creditors have been paid, shall go to a 501(c)(3) organization.