SJAC Presents: The Great Grace 5K, 1 Mile Walk and Pancake Breakfast
The Great Grace 5K, 1 Mile Walk and Pancake Breakfast will be held on October 22, 2016, at 8am. The race starts in Newton Lake Park across from the McDonalds on Cuthbert Blvd in Haddon Twp. The race is a loop course on the paths around Newton Lake Park and finishes in the same location as the start.
The Grace Race 5K and Pancake Breakfast supports Grace Church in Haddonfiled and it's many outreach ministries. It is organized and put on by the South jersey Athletic Club. The unique course is fast and flat and take places on the scenic paths around Newton Lake Park. The pancake breakfast is included in the cost of the race (Additional guests are 5 dollars). Open and age group awards will be awarded at the pancake breakfast following the race. The breakfast will be in the Grace Church Parish Hall 19 Kings Highway Haddonfield, NJ 08033.
Register For the Race! A link to register for the 2016 race is below!
Download and print an entry form
2016 Race Results
� Grace Race 5K 2016 results