South Jersey Athletic Club

History - Membership - Affiliations
The SJAC is a running club that has existed in South Jersey since 1979. Our membership isn't limited geographically but consists mainly of residents of Camden, Burlington and Gloucester counties, and a
few from more outlying areas of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

We're a member (club #14) of the Mid-Atlantic Association of USA Track and Field (USATF).

In 2002, we won the inaugural Mid-Atlantic Association of USATF Club Challenge! This was a yearlong, 13-race competition among running clubs in the Mid-Atlantic region. We have repeated this championship every year since! Current standings of the 2009 competition can be found at:

We're a member (club #1430) of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA).

No Frills, Just Thrills
Since 1993 we've conducted an annual "No Frills, Just Thrills" summer series of races on six Tuesday nights at Cooper River Park in Pennsauken/Haddon Twp. This year's results are posted on a link from the SJAC web site. Look for "No Frills Race Results."


Club Meetings
We hold a club meeting once a month, traditionally on the 2nd Wednesday. Check the meeting notice on the main page of our website for the location. During the summer months we sometimes adjust the schedule and location of the meeting to coincide with our summer Tuesday night race series. Check our website for the schedule. Besides this being a regular opportunity for club members to get together socially, we actually conduct a bit of club business and consume a good amount of pizza, etc.

Group Runs
Almost all who meet for the Sunday morning 7:30 AM run from the Haddonfield Running Co. are SJAC members. Many of our members are also regular participants in Haddonfield Running Co.'s Wednesday evening runs @ 6:30 PM. Some "early risers" from the club meet at the Haddonfield HS track on Tuesday mornings at 5:30 AM.

We also enter club teams in various races such as the Broad Street Run. In 2005 through 2008 relay teams of 12 SJAC members completed the 212 mile Reach the Beach Relay in New Hampshire. We plan to return in 2009! See this link, RtB Relay from our home page for more deatails. Club members of all paces are encouraged to participate!

We generally send a brief e-mail at least once a month with club news or upcoming events. There is also a message board link from the club web site where anyone can post info on relevant topics. We invite you to stop by at one of our meetings or join in on a group run and check us out. You can aslo e-mail any of the club officers with questions you may have that haven't been addressed or feel free to approach any SJAC member if you see us at a local race.